The Benefits of Permission Email Marketing
Email marketing is continuously getting more attention as years go by. Marketing is making a shift towards the Internet and email marketing is one of the major fields that promoters are getting into.
However, even if email marketing is getting more popular, it is somewhat getting a notorious image because of spammers. Spam is a term used for unsolicited emails which marketers use to be able to convey their marketing message. There has been a lot of action that has taken place in different states against spamming. One can actually be sued because of spamming.
Surveys have shown that around 70% of people who receive spam emails are somewhat annoyed or agitated. Majority of people don’t even open emails from suspicious senders or from people and companies whom they don’t recognize. They open emails from persons and companies whom they recognize and have affiliations with. This is the drama in the email marketing field.
However, email marketing is not coming to its end yet. There are ways on how to legally and ethically send marketing messages through electronic mail. One of the ways is “permission-based” email marketing.
Permission email marketing, as the name implies, takes into consideration the consent of the receiver in accepting emails containing marketing materials. Permission can be expressed or implied. Expressed permission is solicited when people check a box which states that they would want to receive email updates and marketing materials regarding a certain product or service. When they click on the “terms of agreement” of a certain website, it can be considered that there is an implication of consent to receive certain email messages.
There are a lot of advantages that permission email marketing gives a promoter as compared to spamming. Here are some of them:
1) Legality
As mentioned above, spamming is considered as an illegal activity and some states have developed laws and measures to be able to stop spammers. Permission-based email marketing is perfectly legal and this erases the risks and possible costs that are associated with being sued.
2) Ethical
Permission email marketing is seen as an ethical alternative to spamming. Even if one is not sued for spamming, it doesn’t imply that people are not irritated by the unsolicited emails. Sending marketing materials that are permitted by the receiver are given a “go-signal” and is considered totally ethical.
3) Promotes a good image
Companies which employ spamming activities to be able to market their products are instantly hated by the people who receive their emails. Permission-based email marketing gives a company and its product a good corporate image and therefore more appreciated by the targeted audience.
4) Target audience
Permission email marketing channels precious resources to the right audience. Spamming throws marketing efforts as if the promoter is blind. People who give their consent to receive emails regarding topics which are appealing to them are people who are willing to spend money for products in that field. Therefore, the right target market is reached rather than carelessly spreading the marketing message.
5) Avoids costs
Permission based email marketing avoids added costs. Aside from channeling resources to reach the right audience, permission marketing avoids costs that are associated by being sued by people who have been much irritated by spam emails. Other sanctions that are involved with spamming includes the loss of the company’s ISP.
6) Appreciation
Email marketing that is permitted is accepted by people with open arms. Spamming is not really accepted by the public and it is best that one does not engage in this activity.
A survey was done by a company called IMT Strategies in 2001 regarding the effects of permission email marketing versus the response that people make from receiving unsolicited email. 48% of people who receive marketing materials with their permission are curious to read the emails while only 16% are interested to read unsolicited email. The number of people who deleted email marketing messages with permission are half of those who deleted unsolicited email.
Permission email marketing gives certain advantages against spamming. It is a legal and ethical way of marketing through electronic mail and receives acceptance from the target audience.
The Benefits of Permission Email Marketing
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